Who We Are
Our Core Values
The gospel starts with what God does, not what we do. By God’s Spirit our community will embody the Gospel through these core principles:
We are part of the larger story of God rescuing his people.
We have a secure future because Christ will return and make all things new.
We are being changed by God and turn away from sin when we recognize it.
We pursue unity with others because of God’s mercy towards us.
Because our past is redeemed and our future sure, we cease striving and rest securely in Christ.

Our Affiliation
Our flourishing is found in rootedness, in belonging, in participating. Life is not meant to be lived in isolation. This is true for both individuals and churches.
Redeemer is a young church, but we’re rooted in an ancient faith. We embrace the historic Christian faith expressed in the Apostles’ and Nicene creeds.
As a member congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America, our heritage is in the Protestant Reformation and its strong emphasis on God’s grace. The Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms offer a helpful summary of these beliefs.
Regionally, we live out our connectedness through our membership in the Platte Valley Presbytery. We also have three sister churches here in Lincoln: Zion, Grace Chapel, and Center Church.