Citylight Building Q&A

As we consider purchasing the Citylight building on 28th and “O,” we want to hear your questions, concerns, and comments. Below is a list of the questions we’ve received to date, along with any answers we might have. This page will be updated as new questions and answers emerge. This page was last updated 6/16/2022.

If you have questions that you don’t see listed below, submit them via the form at the bottom of the page.

What are the opportunities for ministry at Citylight?

More space, central location, improved parking, growth potential, momentum with existing ministries at their location

How does the Citylight building fit within the existing vision for Redeemer?

Fits well. Meets the 2030 goal of planting a church that can plant. Provides space for Redeemer and then a space for a church plant

What are the financial implications of moving to that site (operations, maintenance)?

Asking price is $975,000. We have $500,000 cash. Would need to raise/borrow $500,000-$700,000, possibly through a Capital Campaign.

Are the other PCA churches helping?

Zion is not in a position to help at this time. Grace could be a possibility.

What do we do with our current building? Do we have a mortgage currently?

Offer this space for Grace Chapel to use for worship and possibly living space if needed. Would become a location for a church plant. We do not have a mortgage.

Is space one of the main goals?

Yes, and opening up our current space for a church plant.

What will more space look like (when we can’t get volunteers to serve in children’s ministry now, etc.)?

We would need to look at security and safety issues. Would provide space in basement for youth group. The Citylight building provides more space resources. Redeemer’s growth leads to the possibility of more volunteers.

When are we moving to the new church?

That is still to be determined.

What are our other options? (Warehouses, churches, etc.)

We don’t know yet. There was another church building for sale but it was not as good a property.

What other options are there? (Structure, location, timeframe)

There is no deadline for now. We are still working through options.

Could we consider other properties with more space to interact? (BBQs, green space, etc.)

How do we plan to staff the Citylight building?

We would need a staffing plan, including custodial staff. We would need more than our current facility.

Have we done everything possible in the current space to not have to move (multiple services, etc.)

We are not rushing to move to the Citylight building. Moving would provide growth opportunities. If we would need two services, the Citylight building would have more space to accommodate that.

How is Citylight operating now?

College Ministry and young families. They’re not ready to plant. They have 2 services.

How long until we fill that space?

We haven’t run the numbers yet, but it would probably be quadruple the size we currently are.

Have any inspections been done?

No but there will be if we proceed.

Will there be another chance to tour Citylight?

Yes. Any time.

What is the “map” of the 2030 Plan? Is there one?

How will growth be accomplished?

How will training up leaders for a church plant happen? It seems we are not currently maxing out our current facilities even with a single service.

If you have any questions that weren’t in the list above, please submit them so that we can take them into consideration and start finding answers.