Join us for Sunday morning worship at 10:30am at 901 Charleston St. (Map)

Children & Youth Ministries

From infants to teenagers, Jesus loves children and we do, too.

Redeemer offers energetic, engaging activities and classes that inspire growth and faith in Christ. Through nursery, children’s church, and youth groups, our kids develop relationships with God and each other.


Infant - Toddler

Nursery is available for both infants and toddlers in the lower level of the church. We seek to provide a safe and nurturing environment for our children. Redeemer volunteers care for children ages newborn to 3 years old in our nursery facilities located in the church basement.

All of our volunteers have undergone background checks and training, and adhere to Redeemer’s Nursery Policy. Even at an early age, it is important for our children to know that each of them is uniquely created in the image of God and to demonstrate God’s love for them in the larger church community. Before service parents can register their children on the Ipad outside of the nursery.

Children’s Church

4 years old - 3rd grade

We provide two classrooms: ages 4 to kindergarten and 1st-3rd grade. Before service parents can register their children in the basement on the iPad.

After worship, the person giving announcements will dismiss children to the basement where they will meet their teacher and line up. After a song children will follow their teachers to the portable behind the church. Ages 4 to kindergarten will gather in the classroom on the west side and 1st-3rd grade on the east side. Parents can pick up their children at the class room after the service.

Through Scripture-based, age-appropriate content and fun activities, we want to guide our children to Christ and inspire them to live God-centered lives. We also desire that they also create significant, lasting relationships with other children, teachers, and families in the Redeemer community. You can contact our amazing children’s coordinator, Jamie Hopp, with any questions regarding nursery or children’s church.

Youth Group

4th - 8th grade

Redeemer’s youth group meets mid week for fun, fellowship, and to learn about God’s love and how He is at work in our lives.

Middle school youth (6th-8th grades) meet every Wednesday at Redeemer from 6-8pm. Kids in 4th and 5th grade join once a month for a fun activity!

If you have any questions, would like your child to be involved, or would like to volunteer with an event, contact Claire Shinn.

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