Worship at Redeemer
God calls each of us to acknowledge and enjoy Him as supremely worthy and beautiful. Worship is about acknowledging His worth and reordering our lives in response.
The primary practice of Redeemer’s community places worship at the center where we practice enjoying God together through liturgy, singing, sermons, and sacraments. (Learn more about Redeemer’s theology and practice.)
Our worship service is both very new and very old. We want to be new because we strive to be indigenous to our city in our style. At the same time, we want to be old to connect us to the rich fabric of the Church’s worship through the centuries. We structure our service after a common pattern used consistently by the Church from the earliest recorded times until now. We sing, offer prayers, confess our sin, hear from God's word, sometimes use ancient creeds, and celebrate the Lord's Supper each week.
You will never not know what to do in our service as we make an effort to explain things as we go along. We provide an explanation of the different parts of our worship in the side notes of the order of service found in the bulletin. The songs and readings we use will also be projected at the front of the church, and you can follow along there. To get an idea of what our worship services are like, you can find our most recent services on our YouTube channel.
Nursery is provided for children ages newborn to 3 years old. Children ages 4 years old to 3rd grade can go to Children’s Church during the sermon, but during the summer, only preschool-aged children go to Children’s Church. (Learn more about our children’s ministries.)
If you're wondering what to wear, just come as you are. Most folks at Redeemer dress pretty casually.