Redeemer Worship Guidelines


We are excited to be taking some first steps to reopen as a church. We recognize that what we will be offering will not be for everyone. Please know we have been in conversation about these things for weeks, constantly monitoring the latest recommendations from state and local directed health measures as well as recommendations from the CDC. The guidelines we have set up reflect what we think is the best and safest option for our volunteers and staff as well as those who choose to worship with us on Sunday mornings.

Our goal is to create a safe and positive experience for you all. One of the ways we are committed to accomplishing that is through wearing masks. The National Institutes of Health shared this video to show the positive proof of mask wearing. It is pretty cool to watch, so please take one minute to do so now. Also, if you want further reading from health experts on why masks are key, then please read this article. The Gospel Coalition also posted this article that we are in agreement with on the four reasons for wearing masks in church.

Wearing a mask is a pain, we get it. We also know not everyone agrees on the reasons for mask wearing. However, the thing we need to remember is that wearing a mask is not primarily for your protection. You primarily wear a mask to protect others in the event you are carrying an illness and are not aware. In light of passages like 1 Corinthians 8; Romans 14:1 - 15:5; and Philippians 2:1-11, we are choosing to put our personal preferences aside for the sake of others during this time. These sacrifices are basic to Christian worship, neighborly love and in this season they allow the most people in our community to worship safely and wholeheartedly together.

These guidelines apply to our first service back in our church together on July 12th at 10:30.

For those who are considering attending, please see below for the guidelines we will have in place out of an abundance of love and concern for others.

Our on-site services are designed to be a “touch-less” experience.

  • Please bring your own water bottle / thermos. No food or beverages will be offered.

  • Bring your own Bible. No Bibles will be in the pews.

  • Plan to give online here. No offering plates will be passed. There will also be giving containers at the back of the sanctuary for those who want to give in person.

  • For the time being, we will not be celebrating the Lord’s Supper weekly.

Face Masks

Face masks will be required upon entering the Church and to be worn at all times. Masks will be available if you do not have one. It is not recommended for children under 2 years old to wear a mask. If they are able, children aged 2-4 should wear a mask. Children 4 years and older will be expected to wear masks.

Please wear the appropriate mask and do not use a face covering with an exhale hole.

Physical Distancing

We ask that you observe physical distancing guidelines: Maintain at least 6 feet of distance from others at all times. As much as you may want to give someone a big ol’ hug, be mindful of how others may be more sensitive.

We will be seating everyone safely distanced (skipping pews, ensuring 6 feet between family units).


Please take your temperature at home before joining us for worship to ensure you do not have a fever.

Our doors will open at 10:00 am. Please arrive by 10:15 am. Yes Redeemer, we can do this! This will help us get everyone seated for our service and live stream to begin promptly at 10:30 am.

Families & Children

Redeemer Children’s Church Reopening Safety Protocols

  • All Children ages 3-7 who wish to attend children’s church must be dropped off before worship at the portables. They must be picked up immediately after the service.

  • 10 is the maximum number of children in children’s church at one time.

  • Just one group for children’s church will be offered at this time, and both sides of the portables will be used to create the maximum amount of space.

  • Masks are required for all children who wish to attend.

  • There will not be any interactive games during children’s church to prevent contact between each child as much as possible.

  • During snack time, extra precautions will be taken such as the helpers wearing gloves to hand out snacks and drinks, space between children as they eat while unmasked, and wash time before and after eating.

  • The room will be cleaned and sanitized before and after each service.

  • Children who are sick or who have a fever will not be permitted to come to children’s church.

  • All children’s church volunteers will be masked. Parents are required wear masks while dropping off and picking up their children.

Redeemer Nursery Reopening Safety Protocols

  • Nursery will be provided for children ages 3 and under only.

  • Children who are sick or have a fever will not be permitted to enter the nursery. If your child has a cold or is sick at all, please keep them home from church.

  • All nursery volunteers will wear a mask. Parents will wear masks when dropping off and picking up their children.

  • No one else will be allowed inside of the nursery other than the assigned volunteers and children attending. ​This includes parents, other adults and older children.

  • Labels will be provided for diaper bags. No other belongings outside of a diaper bag are permitted at this time (toys, food, drink, etc.).

  • Volunteers will change diapers on the changing table, changing the paper and sanitizing after each use. Volunteers will not take children to the restroom, but will contact parents to do so when necessary (as explained in the nursery policies).

  • At this time there will be a maximum of​ 6 children​ allowed to attend nursery at one time. Volunteers will be able to utilize the space outside of the nursery downstairs and an extra on call staff when there are visitors who come that didn’t RSVP.

  • Pack n Plays and a gate will be provided to keep children at a safe distance when needed depending on ages and preferences.

  • All toys that are used and/or placed in a child’s mouth at any time during nursery will be disinfected. Volunteers will continue to follow the toy cleaning protocols put in place (explained in the nursery policies).

Please know that we will do our best to adjust and accommodate as things change and new needs present themselves during this time.


We know that there are any number of reasons why certain individuals or families will not choose to be present on Sunday Mornings during this season. There is a tremendous amount of grace extended for all to do what is in the best interest of our ourselves or our family. In the meantime, we will continue to work to make our livestream experience the best that it can be.

When should I stay home?

  • If you are not feeling well and/or are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19: cough, shortness of breath, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, diarrhea, feeling feverish, or a measured temperature of 100.0 F or greater.

  • If you have been in close contact with a person who has had a lab confirmed case of COVID-19 within the last 14 days.

Please reach out to if you have any questions or concerns.